Cabinet of Quality Assurance in Health (CQAH), through the department of Ethics and Professionals Affair, conducted monitoring activities for research

Cabinet of Quality Assurance in Health (CQAH), through the department of Ethics and Professionals Affair, conducted monitoring activities for research

Cabinet of Quality Assurance in Health (CQAH), through the department of Ethics and Professionals Affair, conducted monitoring activities for research under title: National Seroprevalence study of  Covid-19, Maasles, Rubela Hepatities B, and Dengue in Timor Leste, in the municipality of Manatuto, post administrative Soibada, Laclubar and Laclo. The team monitors research on how the research team menzies collects the sample (Bloods) from the community through inform consent. Research objective to identify the prevalence of antibody against diseases: Covid-19, Maasles, Rubella, Hepatitis B, and Dengue in Timor Leste.(Manatuto, 30/03/2022)