Key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPIs form the basis of performance matrix for quality improvement initiatives. These KPIs are developed to pick realistic goals on quality improvement performance in healthcare and would help to monitor the regular progress fitting in line with the strategic goal of the healthcare system in Timor-Leste. To formulate these KPIS, the critical success factors (CSF) were used as a laid foundation as CSFs are the reasons of achieving success and KPIs are the effect of the intervention. The formulation of KPI was planned in line with the target based on strategic goals defined in the strategic document and was viewed within the light of critical success factors.

Here the critical success factors were identified as what are most important elements for achieving each strategic objective KPIs were developed to track and understand whether critical success factors are functional or not for each objective, Targets were developed based on each defined strategic objective. The following proposed framework summarize management related KPIS for QI measurement in TL