Program indicator

Program QI indicators

The programmatic QI indicators are planned to be developed based on key priorities outlined in National Health Sector Strategic plan 2011-2030. The program areas are: maternal and newborn health, child health, nutrition, control of communicable disease (malaria, TB, HIV/Aids, Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis, other acute and viral infections), control of NCD (Mental health, Epilepsy, Oral health, eye health).

However, the indicators mentioned below are the proposed ones according to the National Healthcare Quality Improvement Strategic plan Timor-Leste 2020-2024: 

Maternal and newborn health

1. % of pregnant women who are due for 4th ANC visit and complete the visit

2. % of pregnant women delivered at a facility where AMSTL was applied following


3. % of pregnant women in labor for whom a partograph was used

4. % of pregnant women having obstetric complications were referred to higher health


5. % of women that die at the time of child birth

6. % of maternal death reviews conducted followed by appropriate actions in a month

7. % of mother who return for postnatal check-up?

8. % of newborn deaths that occur during birth or immediately after birth

9. % of perinatal death reviews conducted in a month conducted followed by appropriate actions in a month

10. % of new born babies receiving essential new born care (Cord care; thermal care; initiate breast feeding) within 30min of birth

11. # of new born babies who had complications after birth e.g. asphyxia, failure to breastfeed etc.

12. % of under 5 children who were assessed using IMCI guidelines

13. % of under 5 children assessed for nutritional status during each visit


1. Number of staff with nutrition skills at each level of service delivery

2. Proportion of pregnant women receiving iron and folic acid supplements for atleast 90 days

3. Proportion of infants under 6 months of age who are exclusively breastfed

4. Proportion of non-pregnant women, aged 15-49 years having haemoglobin <12gm/dl

5. Proportion of pregnant women having hemoglobin < 11 mg/dl

6. The proportion of children aged 6–59 months who received two high doses of vitamin A supplements within the last year

7. The proportion of children aged 6–59 months who received one high dose of vitamin A supplements within the last year

8. Proportion of underweight children below five years of age

9. Proportion of wasted children below five years of age

10. Proportion of stunted children below five years of age

TB Quality Indicators

1. % of eligible cases for which sputum follow up tests were done

2. % of identified TB patients who are on correct treatment regimen and drug doses

3. % of identified TB patients who completed TB treatment

4. % of TB diagnosed patients who were cured after treatment

5. % of TB diagnosed patients who are defaulters for continuing treatment

6. % of TB diagnosed patients who died

Malaria Quality Indicators

1. % of health providers trained in malaria case management during the past 12 months

2. % of malaria cases confirmed by laboratory diagnostic tests

3. % of confirmed malaria cases using laboratory tests receiving recommended antimalarial drugs during the past one month

4. % of severe malaria cases receiving the recommended antimalarial treatment during the past one month

HIV indicators

1. % of patients who were counseled, tested for HIV

2. % of HIV positive individuals who were provided standard care and treatment services

3. % of HIV positive clients who are tested for active TB

4. % of newly identified HIV positive clients whose CD4 testing is done

5. % of pregnant women who were counseled, tested for HIV